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The Church of God: Body of Christ and Temple of the Spirit

The Church of God: Body of Christ and Temple of the Spirit



作者 : Fr. Louis Bouyer

出版 : Ignatius Press

出版日期 : 2011年9月


自上年(2019)六月社運引發教會在政治立場上的不同意見,激發信友從內部到外,反省教會在信仰及社會的角色和取向。教會學是一套認識教會的方法。類斯‧鮑爾(Louis Bouyer1913-2004年)在The Church of God: Body of Christ and Temple of the Spirit(天主的教會:基督奧體及聖神宮殿)一書中,重拾教父時代對教會學的反思。作者以聖言及禮儀,最後以瑪利亞的母愛,細說教會。教父聖依納內(St. Irenaeus)說過,聖母就是「厄娃第二」,而鮑爾就是重新將這位古代教父對聖母作為「厄娃第二」、人類新生命之母的形象,帶回現代教會,讓我們重新思索,也對梵二《教會憲章》提供了重要的啟示











Description : How does the Church perceive herself? Fr. Louis Bouyer's The Church of God sets out to answer that question, in light of Tradition and theological reflection through the centuries, but especially by drawing on the teaching of the Second Vatican Council. This book is a highly-readable, thorough synthesis of ecclesiology after the Council, presented by one of the greatest theologians of the 20th century.The author, himself a former Lutheran minister, also explores Reformation views of the Church, as well as the Catholic Church's deepened understanding of her distinctive identity and her imperfect but real communion with the Orthodox churches and Protestant ecclesial communities. The Church of God is a major contribution to the ecclesiology of communion fostered by the Second Vatican Council and continued by Pope Paul VI, but especially by John Paul II and Benedict XVI. Indeed, the book reflects the hermeneutic of reform Pope Benedict XVI insists should guide the interpretation of Vatican II.


Author: Louis Bouyer

Publisher: Ignatius Press


ISBN: 9781586173241

NO.  2772260010
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