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Changing the World from Within

Changing the World from Within


仲夏 · 微書展2021好書推介
推介人: 范子安蒙席(作者)

推介文: (請點擊左圖)



Description :

Is it possible to transform the world to make it more in line with God’s dreams?  For Mariano Fazio the task of contributing to the building up of society is an exciting apostolic project, which Christians must carry out with the help of the Lord’s grace.  “To recompose what we have broken with sin, to contribute to building up the kingdom of God (…), a kingdom of truth and life, of holiness and grace, of justice, love and peace.”  The Lord calls us to all this.  This book clarifies the role of Christians in today’s society and how they must act to transform it from within, as Jesus Christ did.


Author: Mariano Fazio

Publisher : Spring Publications

Pages : 101

ISBN : 9789887940784

No. 2082253000

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