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HOW NOT TO READ THE BIBLE :An Authentic Catholic Approach to Scripture for Today

HOW NOT TO READ THE BIBLE :An Authentic Catholic Approach to Scripture for Today


Description : Biblical scholar Scott Lewis wants to help Christians approach the Bible with a (renewed) confidence to explore for themselves the richness of what scripture might tell them. Too often, as the title suggests, scriptures are approached incorrectly, whether interpreted literally or taken out of context. Lewis wants to guide readers on approaches to reading the Bible in world where too simple and too glib answers and approaches abound. At the same time, he wants to show the reader why reading the Bible is still important today, perhaps more than in the recent past. The book will be approached along certain themes: · Creation and Science · Jewish readings of scripture · Exclusion versus universality · Bigotry and violence · Gender and sexuality


Author : Scott Lewis


Publication date : 2019.12

Pages : 154

ISBN : 9780809155033

No. 2998800019

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