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Incarnate Spirits - An Introduction to Philosophical Anthropology

Incarnate Spirits - An Introduction to Philosophical Anthropology



This introduction provides a solid and comprehensive philosophical understanding of the structure of the human person.


Its first chapters follow the outlines of philosophical anthropology laid out by Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas. This classical vision of the human being is enriched with insights gleaned from contemporary personalist authors such as Karol Wojtyła, Joseph Ratzinger, and Leonardo Polo.


Topics covered in this book include questions about what life is, the relation of body and soul, the life of the senses and feelings, the life of reason and freedom, the ethical life and virtue, the dignity of the person, openness and relationship to others and to God, and, finally, a consideration of the human person as created gift.


Author: Roderick Esclanda

Publisher:  Scepter Publishers

Pages: 150

Publication Date: 2024

ISBN: 9781594175213

No. 2772200049

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